Friday, 28 May 2010

Stripey frogging

I have frogged the stripey jumper. As you know, I have been having problems with my tension. When I started the jumper I had been working on my tension a bit but I decided that I would drop a needle size to help improve it. The knitting was the neatest thing I had ever done! When I came back from knitting club the other night I realised that the jumper didn't look very big. I had nearly finished the back as well. I held it up against my son and it was too small. It is now frogged and I have started again. I can't go up a size because that would be far too big so I am going to give the size another go with the right size needles. Fingers crossed.


  1. Good luck on the sizing of your jumper. I really admire the colors you're doing it in.

  2. Good luck with your sweater! I hate when I don't realize things are going to be the wrong size until I'm far along.

  3. I think it's always worth it to go back and fix things to get them just right! Good luck! By the way, really happy to have discovered your blog, it went directly into my RSS feed reader... ;)

  4. Oh, frogging...ugh! But it's so much better to frog early than after it's finished.
